Curriculum Vitae

Adelheid Studer, née Thiersch
born 1939 in Recklinghausen / Germany


1945 - 1958 schools in Recklinghausen / Germany, 1958 school leaving examination
1958: practical work at the Zoological Garden Basel / Switzerland
1958 - 1966 study of zoology, botany and chemistry at the universities of Basel / Switzerland and as well as Mainz, München and Münster / Germany
1959/1960 student assistant of Eberhard Curio, Max Planck Institut for Behavioural Physiology Seewiesen, Department Konrad Lorenz, Germany
1966: Graduation at the Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster / Germany.
Thesis: Die sogenannte Balz der Flamingogattung Phoenicopterus (The so-called courtship behaviour of the flamingos (genus Poenicopterus). (Supervisor: Konrad Lorenz, MPIV Seewiesen / Germany)

Post doctoral activities

since 1967 external volunteer and scientific advisor at Zoo Basel, Switzerland
1967 field studies on Greater Flamingos at Fuente de Piedra / Spain
1968 - 1973 scientific assistant at the Swiss Ornithological Station at Sempach, Switzerland
1969 - 1975 Co-editor of "Der Ornithologische Beobachter", ed. by Ala, Swiss Society of Ornithology and Bird Protection
1974 Cousin Island, Seychelles: scientific supervision of films on the subjects: Nature Protection, Fairy terns and Hawksbill turtle
1979 Cousin Island, Seychelles: field studies on breeding behaviour of the Fairy Tern
1987 – 1998: Editor of the Annual Reports of the Ornithological Society of Basel, Switzerland

Actual activities in flamingos

Behavioural adaptations to breeding under irregular conditions
Phylogeny of the recent flamingos species
Management of flamingo groups in the zoological gardens